While this is perfectly acceptable, it would be nice (and beneficial) to have these spring beans to be singletons for all web applications. This would mean that the web applications would be sharing the same spring context. Spring does provides this capability out of the box and is easily configurable.
One of the pre-requisite to enable this capability is however to have all web applications packaged and deployed as a EAR. This means the deployment container would need to be a J2EE container (like WebLogic, JBoss, Glassfish etc) and not simply a servlet container like Tomcat.
The key to this deployment model is the class-loader hierarchy that we get from a EAR deployment. An EAR deployment which would typically have multiple web applications (WAR files) and shared application library (with multiple JAR files) will work on a class-loader hierarchy. Below the standard system/bootstrap class-loaders for application servers, an EAR would have a top-level class-loader (say this is the Application Class-loader) and a bunch of class-loaders as children. These child class-loaders are associated to the web applications. And its standard in a EAR deployment to package all jar files that are shareable by all web applications under a directory to which the class-path is set by the META-INF file. All classes loaded by the Application class-loader are visible to the web application class-loaders. But if a web application contains any jar file under its own lib directory, they wont be accessible to the Application class-loader and certainly not to the other web applications within the EAR.
So with regards to sharing spring beans, this means that we can place jar files for all spring beans in the shared application library. While these then get loaded by the Application class-loader, each web application will have access to them hence resulting a shared spring context - Not really. For spring, this is still not complete to achieve a shared context.
A web application is spring configured through its web.xml either using a ContextLoaderListener or a ContextLoaderServlet (depending on the servelt API implemented by your container). Typically we'd use the 'contextConfigLocation' where we specify the location of our spring bean configurations.
Assuming the above spring configuration consists of beans specific to the web application concern (validators, controllers), to have bunch of beans share a single spring context, we use the 'locatorFactorySelector' and 'parentContextKey'. We simply add the following into our web.xml(s)
The above would mean that you would have a file called common-beans.xml in the classpath for the web application, which has the following bean configured;
The above configuration defines the 'commonContext' bean. This is a bean representing the 'ClassPathXmlApplicationContext', which is a convenience class used to build application contexts. The list passed into the constructor is a list of configuration file locations, of which the beans will be loaded from the definitions given in the configuration files.
With a configuration like the one above in each web application of a EAR, all web applications will share the same beans configured through the 'commonContext' bean.
This approach can bring few advantages on your deployment architecture, maintenance and development;
From a deployment architecture point of view,
- If using hibernate in the mix of things, we can benefit from a single SessionFactory. If caching is configured, the cache would be applicable for all web applications and it would be one cache. Saving your heap usage.
- Reduces the classes to load and hence saving on your permgen.
From a maintenance and development point of view,
- Common beans can be configured in one place one configuration file that would be used by others. There's no need to duplicate the bean declarations in multiple spring configuration files.
As mentioned previously, this is only if the deployment model is EAR based. If all web applications are deployed as their own WAR files, there's not concept of class-loader hierarchy to achieve the above.
While the decision on whether to EAR or Not is a separate set of notes, if an EAR packaging method is decided for an application, spring does provide the capability reap benefits from the decision.
Useful links on the subject;